4.0 bug reports


4.0 was released today.

Here is a bug report post where you can submit issues and they will be fixed for 4.1.

Please explain the issue, and if possible please include a screenshot of it.

Known issues:

  • Leftover Christmas button in main menu (oops)
  • Leo idle sprite disappearing in chapter 1 (this is an unity bug that I'm annoyed with. I'll try to fix it.)

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in chapter 1 the main music continues with the halloween music pls fix this


the cutscenes haven't changed a bit

except for the one in chapter 2 where the music was replaced with the less intense one but still

Oops, I'm talking about the bad ending cutscene (and I think I changed another cutscene).

In chapter 2, did the normal version of the song play or was it the Halloween version. I'm pretty sure it's the normal version but just double checking.

4.1 is coming soon to fix everything else.

thanks for clarification, and yes the normal one played

do you know which other cutscene changed? id like to see it

(1 edit)

ohh I see.